
PlanetReuse at Gulf Coast Green - 2009 - Houston

Another great year of speakers and outstanding exhibitors has been set up! It all gets kicked-off today.

Gulf Coast Green 2009 SYMPOSIUM
is the leading green building conference targeted to design and construction professionals within the Gulf Coast region, organized by the AIA Houston Committee on the Environment. This year’s symposium explores sustainable principles and practices at a community scale, including Keynote Speakers Alex Steffen, Steve Mouzon, and Doug Farr.

Stop by and visit PlanetReuse at the symposium (look for the PlanetReuse computer kiosk) and at the USGBC Gulf Coast Green Mixer on April 16th.

For more info: http://www.gulfcoastgreen.org/default.asp

1 comment:

Living Paradigm said...

Nice to meet you at the Symposium, thanks for attending our lecture! We look forward to synergies between Planet Reuse and Living Paradigm.

Amanda Tullos