
KU Studio 804 featured in Metropolis Magazine.

The design-build program at University of Kansas, Studio 804, gets a little media love in the February edition of Metropolis Magazine. Studio 804 allows architecture students to see more than just the design and build of a structure, but to also understand everything else they will encounter along the way. KU professor Dan Rockhill presents the 22 students with the opportunity to create more than just a cool house. Each project serves as, "a shining example of state-of-the-art sustainable design-and an illustration of the aesthetic and financial challenges sustainable design presents." As most projects for Studio 804 are of Midwest origin, it is only natural for weather and climate issues to come into play. The devastating tornado that struck Greensburg motivated its' townspeople to rebuild as a Green community which offered the perfect opportunity for a Green design-build project. The strict LEED Platinum standards that the city council mandated for any municipally owned building over 4,000 square feet presented a challenge but nothing that Rockhill's studio couldn't handle. In one years' time Kansas had it's first LEED Platinum building in the form of a, "sleek modular arts center," that Governor Kathleen Sebelius praised and Studio 804 could proudly call their own. Read the article in it's entirety here and check out more work from Studio 804!

Rock chalk!

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