
We're Getting in the Ring!

We're excited to announce that we've made it to the semi-finals of the Get in the Ring competition!

The competition is put on by the Erasmus Centre, an organization in the Netherlands that fosters innovation, entrepreneurship and the startup successes.

We are currently in the running for the Get In The Ring: The American Startup Clash, pitting PlanetReuse Marketplace against 8 other companies throughout North America. If chosen, we'll move on to the finals in Rotterdam, where we'll vie for more than $1 million in funding. The  Kauffman Foundation is hosting the event as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week and should be a fantastic event.

We're so excited to be competing for such a prestigious prize. We wish the other startups from North America luck, especially another Kansas City startup, EyeVerify. They're doing really amazing things with retina-based technology and they're all around awesome people.

Check out the our video for The American Startup Clash.

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