"PlanetReuse helps me on two levels, assisting in diverting materials from landfills and finding homes for reclaimed materials...they do a great job."
Thanks Anthony!

Architecture: Zero energy buildings, and sustainable strategies for building materials
Biologically sensitive development, integrated wind turbines, algae based biofuels, biomemedic design, healthier indoor environments, and recycled materials are a few examples of what we'll be covering. Chris Garvin serves as a project lead for many of Terrapin Bright Green’s consulting engagements while also managing projects for Cook+Fox Architects. Chris's interests include high-performance design at both the building and community scale, zero energy communities, biomimicry, and water conservation.
Anthony Brower develops and manages project-specific, practical, and appropriate strategies for green building design. Anthony is also an educator for internal Gensler sustainable design and LEED training sessions, and works extensively with the USGBC LEED Green Building Rating System for multiple projects nationally and internationally. Special Guest Host Pamela Epelbaum Paul.
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