
Fresh Ideas New and innovative stuff from around the globe - F'09 Newsletter

You can toss your papers, plastic and glass in a bin, but how do you recycle or reuse a trampoline? Or bits of old plumbing pipe? Check out a website that offers practical insight for unusual items.

The UK-based Recycle This explores innovative ways to recycle and reuse atypical materials, from trade show lanyards to wedding dresses. Even better, they invite both suggested items and comment on possible uses, creating a community of average folks that provide realistic, usable solutions. According to the site, in three years they’ve “covered more than 600 items and had over 8500 suggestions of ways to reuse, repurpose or recycle things that would otherwise go in the bin.”  Check them out at: Recycle This
For the crafty among us, the old plumbing pipes can become a copper pot rack. And those lanyards? Use them to keep track of easily lost items at the office, from desk keys to USB drives.

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