
Going to GreenBuild? Come see PlanetReuse on the panel in Session BL08 - Mining the Urban Environment: Navigating the Reuse Opportunities

Come see us in Session BL08. The panel and the topic have changed from what may have read when you registered. The changes will be noted in the insert in the Agenda/Schedule you receive when you check in, but the following is the new topic and modified panel:
Topic: Mining the Urban Environment: Navigating the Reuse Opportunities
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 11, 2-3:30pm.
Moderator: Amanda Sturgeon - Senior Associate, Perkins+Will
Speakers: Nathan Benjamin - Principal + Founder, PlanetReuse
Steve Baer - Sr. Consultant - Five Winds International and PE Americas
Come enjoy a great conversation in Material Reuse!

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